Service & Trade
Security, Guarding and Cleaning
Service Companies
Sheleg Lavan Ltd.
heleg Lavan was founded in 1981, became
a limited company in 1986 and is today
one of Israel’s most veteran and leading
companies in the guarding, security and cleaning
services sector. Sheleg Lavan is a prosperous com-
pany with financial strength and business revenue
of about NIS550million in 2015. The company has
doubled its turnover of operations in the past five
years. Sheleg Lavan has ISO 9001 2008 certifica-
tion for all types of work in the field of cleaning,
guarding and security. Sheleg Lavan has many
branches throughout Israel from Rosh Pina in the
north to Eilat in the south. The company is strict
in providing professional and courteous service
and provides a swift and fitting response to all
its customers throughout Israel. The company’s
branches aremanned by highly professional mana-
gerial staff with each branchmanager acting as the
company’s contact person, coordinating between
the company and customers, and ready to provide
service on every subject and every customer re-
quirement. The company has a broad recruitment
and training system, operating on different levels.
Each branch manager is responsible for regional
recruitment operations and some are also recruit-
ment managers, charged with hiring, evaluating
and choosing the best employees with impressive
service records and the personal achievements,
most appropriate for each position.
Service of Uncompromising Quality
According to the company’s regulations, Sheleg
Lavan is committed to providing the highest levels
of service to all its customers, and to bemeticulous
in the overall quality of the services it gives. The
type of service and its quality are based on many
years of professional experience with the objec-
tive of meeting the highest standards and strictest
requirements, in order to provide the finest quality
and best service to every customer. The company’s
CEO and managers are personally committed to
this policy of quality. Sheleg Lavan manages its
operations and provides services according to a
work plan and approved specifications including
employee instruction and training programs such
as a program for conducting training of supervisors
and managers.
Human Resources
Sheleg Lavan has had a collective agreement
for nearly 20 years, which ensures and arranges
employees’ rights. The company was one of the
leaders in the change to improve employment
conditions for workers in the guarding and clean-
ing sector. The company has a staff of internal ac-
countants for auditing the best implementation of
employee’s rights while the company is regularly
audited by the Accountant General and receives
the highest mark. Sheleg Lavan has a valid contrac-
tor’s license from the Economy Ministry. Sheleg
Lavan conducts internal supervision and control to
protect employees’ rights and their welfare. Sheleg
Lavan conducts internal inspections and auditing,
in order to protect the rights of employees and
their welfare. Sheleg Lavan’s great reputation is
based not only on customer satisfaction but also
the satisfaction of the company’s employees.
Training and Security
Sheleg Lavan operates a training and security
system in which employees undergo workshops
on security matters and professional instruction.
The training systemmanager undergoes advanced
professional training courses on safety and profes-
sional skills tomaintain the highest possible level
of instruction. At the same time, branchmanagers
give advanced courses to site managers and su-
pervisors on topics such as employees’ rights and
managing professional inspection. The company is
careful to swiftly deal with events and execute cor-
rective and preventative actions and make use of
the best equipment andmeans. The company has
an experienced vehicle officer who is responsible
for the company’s vehicle fleet including fitness
of the vehicles, fitness of the drivers and safety
instruction at the company’s branches.
The Company’s Areas of Activity
Security and Guarding Department
Sheleg Lavan provides security services for bor-
der crossings, domestic airports, Haifa Port, Israel
Electric installations, as well as institutions and
local authorities throughout Israel. Within this
framework, the company has over 2,000 security
officers, inspectors and control center staff. The
company’s guards and security officers undergo
special training according to their role, as well as
refresher courses and periodical testing so that
they can perform the job in the best possible way
and according to the needs of the installation.
Both guarding and security employees are under
close supervision by the company’s inspectors,
who check on the work of the guards and security
officers 24/7, and according to the customer’s
requirements. The company has weapons stores
throughout the country approved by the Israel
Police containing a wide range of weapons, ac-
cording to the needs of the project and operations
Cleaning Department
Sheleg Lavan provides cleaning, sanitation and
environmental services for institutions, hospitals,
local authorities and many leading customers in
the Israeli economy. The company has over 3,000
employees working on hundreds of different clean-
ing and maintenance projects throughout Israel.
The company specializes in complex and large proj-
ects such as cleaning hospitals, cleaning streets
and open areas, cleaning offices, etc.
E. Orgad Group Holdings Ltd.
E. Orgad Group Holdings Ltd. is a private company,
founded in 1981 by Adv. Eliyahu (Eli) Orgad and
became a group incorporating five large companies
in retail, media and services. These include Sheleg
Lavan, BurgerRanch, Radio FM90, Weed Control
Co. and Agridev (which specializes in exporting
agricultural knowledge). The Group’s business
revenue is about NIS 700 million annually and it
has about 7,000 employees. E. Orgad Holdings
specializes in company recovery and maintaining
them at the highest standards and it owns many
specialist companies.
Esta b l i s h e d
L i n e o f B u s i n ess
Security, Cleaning and Guarding Services
l e a di n g e x ecu t i v es
Eli Orgad
Moshe Haber
Rafi Dayan
4 Hatzoran St., P.O.B. 8512, Netanya