Financial Services
Investment Houses
Psagot Investment House Ltd.
sagot Israel’s largest investment house
managing approximately *NIS 190 billion
on behalf of over onemillion clients. Psagot
began its activities 52 years ago under the helmof
Bank Leumi. Over the years, Psagot expanded its
areas of activity and today offers a variety of long-
term savings products such as provident funds,
and pension funds, short-term savings products
and financial services, such as investment portfo-
lios in Israel and abroad, mutual funds, ETNs and
a platform for managing independent investments,
as well as various insurance products. Leading
firms, public institutions, institutional investors,
foreign investors and private clients have chosen
Psagot to manage their assets.
Inmanaging the public’s assets, Psagot constantly
seeks to maximize value for its clients and busi-
ness associates.
Responsible and professional assets manage-
ment, while obtaining notable returns over time
Psagot’s investment philosophy, emerging due
to the understanding that management of public
assets involves tremendous responsibility and
conservative management, focused on achiev-
ing notable returns over time. This philosophy al-
lows for success and continuous growth. Psagot
believes that intelligent management of clients’
assets should be based on systematic investment
methodology and extensive allocation of resources
for research. Psagot’s investment and research di-
vision consists of six specialized research units,
employing a teamof 80 analysts, investment man-
agers and traders. The division is the largest and of
the highest quality among the investment houses
in Israel and concomitant with its daily activities
also draws on the knowledge of leading research
institutions in Israel and in the world.
Maintaining and safeguarding the rights of
investors and savers while promoting ongoing
institutional involvement
Together with traditional investment management,
Psagot promotes active institutional involvement,
an essential tool in obtaining long term outstand-
ing performance on behalf of its investor public.
This principle has long been defined by Psagot,
resulting in clear and transparent rules secured in
the “Psagot Institutional Involvement Convention”,
the aim of which is to protect the rights of inves-
tors and create more appropriate behavior norms
on the part of companies operating in the capital
market. Psagot Investment House is the first and
sole company that has established and earmarked
an exclusive department to engage in the field of
institutional involvement, continuously seeking
to implement the Convention’s principles and to
maximize value for its clients.
Increasing savings and financial education in Is-
rael and the development of a digital channel
In recent years, economic and financial risks have
significantly intensified. In addition, key pro-
cesses that are shaping the local economy such
as the shift of responsibility for pension savings
to the public, the sophistication of financial prod-
ucts, heightened discourse on economic issues
in the media and greater consumer awareness,
strengthen the need to increase the Israeli public’s
financial knowledge. Psagot has raised the ban-
ner in promoting savings and financial education
in Israel and in an effort to increase knowledge
and avoid common financial errors, and estab-
lished the “Psagot Knowledge Center for Financial
Education”. In addition, Psagot also acts through
collaborations with leading economic factors,
public authorities and business organizations to
promote financial education in Israel developing
a wide digital channel for the benefit of its clients.
The range of digital-financial tools launched by the
investment house includes the “Digital Financial
Academy”, the “click to save” and the “Psagot
trade” applications.
Psagot Investment House offers a variety of sav-
ings and investment products:
Medium and long–term investment and savings
products –
Provident funds, study funds and cen-
tral severance pay funds - Psagot Provident Funds
and Pension is Israel’s largest provident fund com-
pany. Psagot offers awide range of provident funds,
study funds and central severance pay funds, no-
table in their outstanding performance and high
rankings over time. Among others, Psagot manages
“Gadish” - Israel’s largest provident fund.
Pension funds –
Psagot’s pension funds offers
a range of insurance and investment tracks, de-
signed to allow maximum compatibility between
the savings tracks and the nature and needs of
the investor.
Insurance –
Psagot Insurance Company offers
a range of life insurance products and savings
Investment products and short term savings
Portfoliomanagement in Israel and abroad –
ot the largest portfolio management company in
Israel, manages investment portfolios on behalf of
companies, institutional investors and individual
Mutual Funds –
Psagot Mutual Funds is one of
Israel’s leading mutual fund companies in Israel
demonstrating outstanding performance over
time. Psagot operates 160 mutual funds in a wide
variety of tracks that are suited to various types
of investors.
ETNs –
Psagot Exchange Traded Notes is the
most senior company in Israel’s ETN market with
a broad offering of 180 ETNs and certificates of
Brokerage and research services –
Psagot’s broker-
age department offers it’s private and insurance
investor’s professional trade in securities and
advanced trading room equipped with updated
trading, communication and data systems that can
be found in leading global trading rooms.
Mutual funds Manager - Psagot Mutual Funds Ltd. -
* As of
31.12.2015. ^ The above should not be seen as a commit-
ment to achieve certain returns. The abovementioned does
notconstitute investmentmarketing/advice and/or pension
marketing/advice and/or a substitute for advice/marketing
as mentioned and/or tax advice that takes into consider-
ation the special needs of each individual and furthermore
does not constitute an offer to purchase units in the funds
and/or of ETNs and/or of securities, which should be solely
performed in accordance to a valid prospectus and immedi-
ate reports. The above-mentioned should not be seen as a
commitmenton thepartofPsagottoachieveacertainreturn.
Psagot Securities Ltd. - a portfolio manager and a member
of the stockexchange - and Psagot Investment House Ltd. –
an investment marketer (hereinafter “the companies”) are
engaged in investment marketing (and not in investment
advice) and are members of the Psagot group. The compa-
nies are affiliated to financial assets managed by the sec-
ond company and are also affiliated to the financial assets
managed by the companies belonging to the Psagot group.
The companies may prefer said assets over other financial
assets. Psagot Provident Funds and Pension Ltd. engages in
pensionmarketing (and notpension advice) and isaffiliated
to pension products under its management.
Esta b l i s h e d
l in e o f b u s i n ess
Provident funds, study funds, pension funds,
insurance and savings, central severance pay funds,
mutual funds, ETNs, portfolio management, research
and brokerage services
14 Ahad Ha’am St., Tel Aviv 6514211