Local Authorities
Associations & Organizations
Economic Company Givatayim
conomic Company Givatayim is a mu-
nicipal corporation, owned by the Mu-
nicipality of Givatayim, acting as its
executive arm, supporting the municipality’s
liabilities leverage, increasing the economic
activity level in the city and Givatayim’s resi-
dents life quality. The company was established
in 1989 as the municipality’s professional,
flexible and efficient executive arm for public
buildings and parks development and estab-
lishment, business initiation, etc. The com-
pany is financially solid and enjoys constant
growth, it aspires to initiate, develop and es-
tablish significant public projects to realize the
business-economic potential of the municipal-
ity’s material and immaterial assets, promote,
strengthen and expand the city by additional
projects such as parking lots construction and
the city hall’s rebuilding. The company renders
a high service level via efficient personnel and
hires the leading firms in Israel for the projects’
management, paying special attention to plan-
ning and execution quality and precision.
Selected Projects
Among the projects established by the com-
pany are the largest compound for sports and
leisure– Givatayim Park, Rabin Bridge – a spec-
tacular architectural arch structure installed in
a complex operation in 2011. In addition to
its security advantages and its access to the
education district at the city’s south, the bridge
connects Givatayimwith Rivka Park and the new
sports park. The company also developed and
constructed three kindergartens at Hamachtesh
compound and developed playgrounds in two
others, using prefabricated elements.
In addition, the company set up a new dog com-
pound on 500 sq.m. in the Givatayim Park, near
Givatayim Bridge on Rabin Rd. The compound
includes a dog playground, benches, shading
facilities, dog pool, drinking devices and more.
The space is fenced, enabling free activity for
the dogs, without disturbing the park’s visitors.
The new dog compound is part of Givatayim
Park, the city’s biggest green lung.
The company is currently promoting varied
projects for the construction of educational
facilities, for example adding a wing to Shi-
moni School in Givatayim, in a total cost of
NIS 15 million. The company recently recieved
the Ministry of Interior approval to initiate a
frontal renovation of residential buildings in
collaborations with the tenants. The project will
enhance buildings and streets visible attraction
in Givatayim. Among the future projects of the
company is the City Compound, at the Western
entrance of Givatayim, between Shefa and Arvei
Nachal streets and Ayalon Highway. The com-
pound is located near Arlozorov Interchange in
Tel Aviv, bordering Ramat Gan’s ‘Israel Diamond
Exchange Center’ and the planned Compound
2000 in Tel Aviv. The City Compound will extend
over 6.6 hectares, including residential build-
ings, offices and entertainment areas, to be
built around a large central square, developed
by the company according to the Municipality’s
requirements. The Compound will include a 600
slots parking lot. The company is also planning
to build the parking lot and operate in inde-
pendently with the bank’s financial support,
which will accompany the project. The parking
lot should become a great source of income
for the city. The municipality considers the City
Compound as its crown development. The proj-
ect includes a tunnel construction, infrastruc-
ture development, water, sewage, drainage,
ducting infrastructures, streets and sidewalks
paving, street lighting, electricity, communica-
tions and gardening.
Givatayim – A Smart City
The company is constructing the new city hall as
part of the smart city notion. The municipality is
currently spread in 16 buildings citywide, hin-
dering services to the residents and the various
departments’ activity. The dispersion causes
resources waste. The establishment of a new
city hall focuses on service improvement to the
residents, efficient management and economic
The building will include all the municipality’s
departments, at Shenkin St. near the existing
city hall, which will be preserved as a museum,
showing the combination between future and
past. A 5 floors underground parking lot will be
built under the new city halls, which will include
6 floors with a municipal lobby for public recep-
tion. An Operations Center will concentrate all
the city’s optical fibers, converting Givatayim
into a smart and secure city, using security cam-
eras, radiation-free Internet for all the educa-
tional institutions and decreasing the cellular
channels. As already mentioned, all lightning
will be changed to LED and charging stands
for bicycles by optical fibers will be installed.
In addition to controlled irrigations systems,
during emergencies the city will be managed
from a single technological control center. The
project is underway and tenders are currently
being published. Works are expected to start
in the summer 2016.
Municipality of Givatayim – Renewal and
The municipality operates with transparency
and educational values, striving for urban re-
newal, keeping the special character of the city
and its residents’ lifestyle. The city extends over
800 acres and currently has 60,000 residents,
enjoying from its renewal momentum in devel-
opment, community, educational and cultural
Givatayim is among Israel’s recycling and envi-
ronmental champions and its education system
is among the leading in the country.
The municipality emphasizes economic activity,
transport planning, extensive parking and city
improvement, together with construction and
urban renewal.
Esta b l i s h e d
L i n e o f B u s i n ess
Municipality of Givatayim’s Executive Arm
4 Hata’as St., Givatayim 5339704
972-3-7315184, 972-3-7310188
www.yaadg.co.ilChen Peretz
Yoram Cohen
CEO, Givatayim
Ran Kunick
Mayor, Givatayim
Municipality; Chairmain
Economic Company
* See Top Executives Profiles - Page 582