Local Authorities
Local Authorities (less than 50,000 Residents)
Municipality of Or Yehuda
r Yehuda is strategically located in Gush
Dan (Tel Aviv Metropolitan region), 7
kilometers southeast of Tel Aviv. Or Ye-
huda currently encompasses 1,625 acres and
has about 37,000 residents. The city is part of
a conurbation and provides regional services to
all the authorities surrounding it.
The city is continually engaged in promoting, im-
proving and growing in all areas of life in order to
provide its residents and the residents of Bekat
Ono with the best quality of life. The major invest-
ment it makes embodies the way in which the city
aims to become the precious pearl of Bekat Ono
and a city that strives for excellence in all fields
and offer its residents advantages and quality
of life. Or Yehuda is set to sign a rooftop agree-
ment to build 5,000 homes (as part of this the
city’s existing infrastructures will be upgraded)
and will also develop 550,000-sq,m. of employ-
ment zones. Or Yehuda is enjoys an attractive
reputation for real estate, which is expressed in
its urban renewal plans.
The main topic that the Mayor, Adv. Liat Shohat,
stresses is the field of education, in the desire to
position Or Yehuda as a leading city and nurture
values of excellence for the younger generation.
When Liat Shohat assumed office, the educa-
tion budget was significantly increased with in-
vestments for all age groups, emphasizing the
Yuvalim High School for youth. In elementary
schools, many programs are being promoted to
provide additional tools so that schoolchildren
can develop their abilities.
Quality of Life
The Municipality of Or Yehuda provides high-level
services to all sectors of the city out of a sense
of commitment to its residents. As part of this,
the municipality invests major funds in nurturing
the appearance of the city and enhancing the
environment. Alongside this, the Municipality
has set itself the target of promoting subjects like
sustainability and the environment, and works to
promote topics like recycling and instilling values
such as nurturing the environment.
Culture, Leisure and Sport
Another important subject promoted by the
city’s management is fostering the field of
culture, leisure and sport, which is the respon-
sibility of the municipal community center. In
the field of culture, the cultural center is cur-
rent being renovated with subscriptions being
sold to the residents of the city and neighbor-
ing communities. The new cultural center has a
450-seat auditorium and offers a rich repertoire
of programs.
In the field of leisure, trips, performances and
a range of activities are offered to all popula-
tion sectors in the city with an emphasis on the
city’s more elderly residents who can participate
at subsidized prices. In the field of sport, the
Municipality invests major resources in leading
areas, mainly soccer, volleyball, artistic gymnas-
tics, and gymnastics. Sportspeople of all age
groups bring local pride to the city and while
still at school young talent is first identified with
their potential developed through competitions
and tournaments held each year in a range of
Looking to the Future
Or Yehuda will grow in the coming years, primar-
ily through two main projects that will expand
the city’s land area and significantly increase
the number of residents living in it. The first proj-
ect called “Pardes Vehisachon” is located near
Tel Hashomer to the north on Road 461 and will
contain about 2,350 homes and about 64,000-
sq.m. of commercial and employment space.
The second project in the west of the city is
called “Pinkas Al Hapark” in which about 1,500
homes will be built as well as about 28,000-
sq.m. zoned for employment and commerce.
The city has also recently established an ur-
ban renewal administration in order to coor-
dinate the field of urban renewal according to
a master plan that will be approved. The city
has major potential in urban renewal and re-
cently launched its build-vacate-build plan in
Ha’atzmaut St., the city’s main street. In the plan
128 existing homes will be demolished and 744
new homes built in their place. The city also has
an urban renewal master plan in the Kiryat Giora
and Histadrut neighborhood where a possible
2,500 homes will be added.
Together with the renewal of Or Yehuda, eco-
nomic anchors are planned within the city to
upgrade the range of services provided to resi-
dents such as the Nahal Ayalon Park, which is
in advanced stages of planning and will serve
in the future as the city’s main park and which
will link up with Ariel Sharon Park.
Or Yehuda is managed and will continue to be
managed as part of a work plan that is outlined
by the Mayor and the municipality’s manage-
ment, while maintaining professional financial
management and enlarging its package of re-
sources (emphasizing the development of em-
ployment zones), in order to ensure a quality raft
of services and better future for its residents.
Esta b l i s h e d
L i n e o f B u s i n ess
Local authority
122 Eliahu Saadon Blvd., Or Yehuda
oren@or-ye.org.il www.oryehuda.muni.ilLiat Shohat
Neve Rabin
Science Park, Neve Savion