Business Services
Law Firms - Insolvency Law
Nov, Kesner & Co. Law Offices
ov, Kesner &Co. is among Israel’s notice-
able commercial law firms in its fields of
practice. The firm is known for its profes-
sional approach and is characterized by creative
thinking and synergy between different fields of
practice. The firm’s partners have extensive ex-
perience in the fields of corporate law, civil and
administrative litigation, hi-tech and venture
capital, insolvency, real estate, tax and labor-law.
Amongst the firm’s clients are local and foreign
banks and leading corporations, hi-tech, clean-
tech and biotech companies, real-estate contrac-
tors and developers and well known networks
and brands. The firm offers its clients uncompro-
mising professional legal services, alongside an
innovative legal and business approach, dedica-
tion and high interpersonal skills.
Practice Areas
Corporation, Mergers and Acquisitions-
Our team
provides corporate and business advice in con-
nection with all stages of corporate evolution and
with respect to diverse forms of investments and
related transactions. Our Corporate Department
specializes inM&As, JVs and other complex trans-
actions in a wide range of fields, including to hi-
tech, clean-tech and biotech public and private
companies heaving worldwide operations.
Commercial and Administrative Litigation-
firm has an in-depth professional expertise in
Civil, Commercial and Administrative litigation
and in handling complex claims and disputes,
including administrative petitions regarding ten-
der law, arbitrations andmediations. Our firmhas
handled legal proceedings that led to important
precedents including by Israel’s Supreme Court.
Hi-Tech and Venture Capital-
The firm provides
comprehensive and creative legal counsel for
entrepreneurs, investors, corporations and in-
novation centers inmatters related to the unique
needs of the Hi-Tech and Venture Capital indus-
tries including with respect to the various stages
of financing. The Department counsels on trans-
actions that form part of the ongoing activity of
hi-tech ventures including licensing, OEM, devel-
opment, manufacture, distribution andVAR agree-
ments, transactions involving the OCS, etc.
Insolvency, collections, liquidations and bank-
ruptcy protection -
Adv. Hanit Nov, head of the
Insolvency Department at the firm, amongst the
most reputable lawyers in the field, has over 20
years of experience in representing leading com-
panies in the processes of insolvency. The firm
represents some of the largest banks in Israel,
commercial corporations in the processes of
insolvency including the enforcement of deben-
tures and the realization of collaterals, managing
collections procedures, trusteeship in bankruptcy
protection, realization of overseas assets, repre-
senting creditors in liquidations proceedings, and
consultation to companies undergoing financial
Real Estate-
The firm offers comprehensive le-
gal advice to real estate developers, investors,
individuals and contractors in a wide range of
transactions, including combination transac-
tions, bank financing transactions, purchase of
land in state tenders, construction and renting of
income-producing real estate, and other complex
transactions. Furthermore, the office possesses a
particular expertise in the field of urban renewal,
including “national outline plan 38”.
Our Tax Department provides tax coun-
seling and planning which typically applies to
the consideration of tax aspects in the design
and selection of business structures, corporate
reorganizations and other business transactions.
The Department, led by adv. Mualem, represents
the firm’s clients in the various courts and with
the tax authorities.
Labor law-
The firm has considerable experience
in handling issues and disputes concerning Labor
Law. Among other activities, the firm represents
its clients in the labor courts and provides legal
advice to its clients in all day-to-day employment
matters as well as relocation, employee’s option
plans and other unique Labor-Law matters.
The Partners
Adv. and Notary Hanit Nov:
specializes in insol-
vency, liquidation and asset collections as well
as rehabilitation of companies in financial dis-
tress and is amongst the senior lawyers in the
field. Among other positions, Adv. Nov serves as
a liquidator, special manager and asset collector.
In addition, Adv. Nov represents developers and
contractors in carrying out real estate projects and
complex real estate transactions.
Adv. Yariv Kesner:
an expert in corporation law
and provides legal counsel to his Israeli based
and foreign clients in various fields including
Hi-Tech, Clean-Tech, Biotech and industry. Adv.
Kesner has extensive experience inM&A transac-
tions, JV agreements, licensing agreements and
other complex transactions.
Adv. Liat Nagger-Snir:
specializes in complex
and multi-sided commercial, civil, administra-
tive, banking and insolvency law litigation on all
instances. Furthermore, Adv. Naggar-Snir special-
izes in franchise relations, inheritance law and
managing family capital.
Taxation and Real Estate Partners
Adv. Yehuda Mualem:
an expert in the fields of
taxation and real estate. In the field of real estate,
Adv. Mualem provides legal counsel to develop-
ers, contractors and individuals in complex real
estate transactions. Adv. Mualem is uniquely spe-
cialized in the field of urban renewal and particu-
larly in “national outline plan 38” projects and is
considered to be amongst themost senior Israeli
lawyers in this field. Adv. Mualem also provides
regular and ongoing tax-consultation to the firm’s
clients, particularly real estate taxation, interna-
tional tax, income tax and value added tax.
Adv. Avital Eitan:
Adv. Eitan’s fields of expertise
are real estate law, litigation and tax. Adv. Eitan
accompanies individuals, developers, contrac-
tors and companies and has particular expertise
in the field of urban renewal in general and in the
National outline plan 38 projects in particular.
Esta b l i s h e d
L i n e o f B u s i n ess
Law office
a d d i t i o n a l pa rt n e r s
Avital Eitan
Tax and Real Estate
8 Shaul Hamelech Blvd., “Beit Amot
Mishpat”, 15
floor, Tel Aviv 6473307
972-3-5441411 ���
972-3-5448488 www.novlaw.comYariv Kesner
Liat Naggar - Snir
Yehuda Mualem
Tax and Real Estate
Hanit Nov