Business Services
Law Firms - Real Estate
Ziv Lev & Co. Law Firm
iv Lev & Co. is a leading boutique law
firm, specializing in real estate, litigation,
commercial law, mediation and dispute
resolution. Having implemented uncompromising
standards of professionalism, quality, creativity and
integrity, the firm stands out amongst law firms,
and is involved in many transactions, projects and
litigation cases. The firm was founded in 2003 by
Adv. Ziv Lev giving rise to his desire to implement
his ”credo”. Adv. Lev’s integrity and loyalty to his
truth stand out along the way and the firm’s cli-
ents trust him fully, delegate to him and entrust
himwith authorities and discretion, as to finalizing
and closing transactions, and to resolve disputes
on their behalf. The firm represents commercial
clients, developers, corporations (private and pub-
lic), NPOs, institutional bodies, startups and private
clients. The firm is highly experienced in dealing
with the leading financial entities in Israel and it
provides legal services of the highest quality to its
clients.The firmhighlights devotion as a benchmark
standard in order to provide their clients with per-
sonal and professional services, whilemaintaining
availability and providing real time solutions, 24/7.
The firm consists of ca. 20 employees, 5 of which
are partners, all of which have “grown” within the
firm, a testimony to the belief that its employees
are assets of the highest degree, and a result of the
ongoing professional and personal development
all go through. The firm achieved many precedents
and rulings, such as the one given in the liquidation
of the Misgav Ladach Hospital, according to which
the dissolutionwas performedwhile ignoring future
claims of tort creditors, and that the liquidator is
absolved from the duty to maintain a professional
negligence insurance during the liquidation period
and/or thereafter, and which has determined the
rights and status of employees eligible for budgetary
pension. Another verdict is the one regarding senior
citizens’ home, in which the court has discussed
issues pertaining toVAT imposed on the conceptual
interest arising from the funds which the residents
deposit once they enter the senior citizens’ home.
The firmalso represented its clients in various proj-
ects abroad, including in a large-scale project of the
line of hydro-electric power stations, in real estate
transactions and more.
Professional excellence and uncompromising
The firm is committed to excellence and to pro-
viding uncompromising professional service, and
constantly strives to uphold the highest standards,
while finding creative solutions and successfully
managing complex business and legal challenges.
The firm views the involvement of its partners in
all cases as a fundamental core value. Many of
the firm’s current clients have formerly been the
counter-party in cases and transactions and chose
to obtain its services after recognizing its profes-
sionalism and unique advantages.
Adv. Ziv Lev – Founding Partner and Manager
Adv. Lev specializes in real estate law, finance, civil
and commercial law, with an emphasis on complex
real-estate transactions and projects, evictions set-
tlements, planning and construction law and real
estate taxation. Adv. Lev is highly regarded by his
clients, who see in himas a trusted confidant. Adv.
Lev is also vastly experienced in dispute resolution,
including between close or related parties.
Areas of Expertise
Real Estate:
The firm’s core activity, and includes,
inter alia, representing and advising on complex
transactions, real estate development and entre-
preneurship, yielding assets (by developers and
various retailers), urban renewal, planning and
construction, real estate taxatio, etc. In addition,
the real estate department specializes in represent-
ing clients in sale and purchase and/or allocation
of shares in real estate associations, combination
transactions, including within the urban renewal
framework, etc. Moreover, the firm represents its
clients in proceedings vis-à-vis the Israel Land Au-
thority, local authorities and planning institutes.
The firm represents private clients and
corporations and municipalities and public/ad-
ministrative entities. The firm also provides legal
services to NPOs, dealing with public welfare, and
represents its clients in high-profile cases, which
involve fundamental questions of law, ranging
throughout the entire scope of civil, public and
commercial law. Considering the firm’s experience
in real estate, it maintains unique expertise in rep-
resenting its clients in litigation, arbitration and
mediation cases in this field.
Commercial Law:
The firm provides services per-
taining to all areas of commercial law, including
corporate law, contract law, antitrust, IP, labor law,
the law relating to senior citizens’ homes, urban
and governmental tenders, energy and infrastruc-
ture law, marine andmarine security andmore. The
firmmaintains unique expertise in representing its
clients in highworth complexfinance and re-finance
transactions and projects, attachment (of collateral)
and various loan agreements, and regularly repre-
sents them in their discussions and negotiations
vis-à-vis the banking system.
Mediation andDispute Resolution:
The firmstrongly
believes that mediation is the most effective meth-
od for dispute resolution, and offers various out-
of-court dispute resolution alternatives, including
mediation or arbitration, and often integrates into
the process experts fromvarious fields, which serve
as professional mediators/arbitrators. The firmalso
provides E.N.E. and others legal opinion papers,
aimed at enabling parties to optimally assess the
chances and risks involved in a given dispute. The
firm iswell aware that alternative dispute resolution
is an evolving field and thus regularly updates it self
according to market changes and trends.
The firm’s clients include Elco/Electra Group,
Naamat, Canada Israel, New-Pharm Drugstores,
Hamashbir 365 Holdings, BBB Hamburger Chain,
Grand Canyon Beer Sheva Mall, Liberty Properties,
Orhitec, Om Brothers, Landco and many more.
International Publications
The firm has been publishing the chapters pertain-
ing to Israeli environmental law and real estate
law in “ICLG –The International Comparative Legal
Guide” book series, for a decade. This publication
is aimed at providing a professional tool for lawyers
worldwide via practical comparative legal informa-
tion on a range of practice areas, following a ques-
tion and answer format. In addition, the firm was
in charge of writing the chapter regarding Israeli
arbitration law in the international arbitrationmaga-
zine “International Legal Insight”.
Esta b l i s h e d
L i n e o f B u s i n ess
Real Estate, Litigation,
Commercial, Mediation and
Dispute Resolution
98 Yigal Alon St., Electra Tower Tel Aviv 6789141
Moshe Merdler
Elad Moretzky
Anat Klein
Manager Partner
Ziv Lev
Founding Partner and
Manager *
Sharona Haim pour-
* See Top Executives Profiles - Page 582