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Law Firms - Family Law
Dr. Yair Shiber and Doron Shiber Law Office
he firm was founded in 2004 by Adv. Dr.
Yair Shiber and Adv. Doron Shiber joined
him in 2007. The firm specializes in fam-
ily law and inheritance and handles all issues
in this field: divorce, civil marriage, prenuptial
agreements, wills, inheritance, paternity, illegiti-
macy, custodianship, child support, and the Hague
Convention. Dr. Yair Shiber also lectures in LL.M.
courses at Bar-Ilan University’s Faculty of Law, Ne-
tanya Academic College, Peres College Rehovot,
and in courses for lawyers. To date Dr. Yair Shiber
has published six books andmany articles on fam-
ily law and the rabbinical courts. The extensive
knowhow andmajor experience that Dr. Yair Shiber
has gained place the firm in the top tier of law firms
engaged in personal status.
Dr. Yair Shiber, Adv.
• Dr. Yair Shiber graduated Bar-Ilan University and
has degrees from LL.B. to Ph.D. • LL.B. Law cum
summa laude. • B.A. Talmud and Hebrew Law cum
summa laude. • B.A. Education cumsumma laude
•M.A. Talmud and Hebrew Law cumsumma laude.
Thesis on inheritance andwills laws in Hebrew and
Israeli law • Ph.D. with an excellent mark. Doctorate
on evidence laws in the rabbinical courts and solu-
tion to the problem of delaying granting divorce in
Israel • The University President’s scholarship for
outstanding doctorates • Dr. Yair Shiber lectures in
the LL.M. program of the Faculty of Law at Bar-Ilan
University and the LL.B. programs at Netanya Aca-
demic College, and Peres College Rehovot • Dr. Yair
Shiber is a member of the Family Law Committee
and represented the committee in the Amendment
process for the Genetic Data Law (examining tis-
sues) 2001, on the Knesset Committee • Dr. Yair
Shiber lectures in the lawyers training program of
Bar-Ilan University and the Israel Bar Association –
training in family law and the rabbinical court.
Doron Shiber –
combines civil law and personal
status. He graduated with a LL.B. Law and began
his legal career in civil law specializing in torts,
libel, copyright and cybernetic offenses.
In 2007, Doron Shiber joined the firm headed by
Dr. Yair Shiber where he combines personal sta-
tus subjects with the knowhow and experience
he gained working in civil law. In addition to its
areas of expertise, the firmbegan conducting suits
in family affairs courts on civil injustices resulting
from family suits such as libel suits, refusing di-
vorce, paternity suits against the father’swill, wives
suing husbands for emotional abuse, suits against
partners kept away from their homes and children
due to false accusations from the other partner,
and other suits for damages for wrongdoings by
one familymember against another. Doron Shiber
dealswith litigation and has handledmany dozens
of personal status cases including child abduc-
tions, estranged parents, child support, dividing
up property, wills and inheritances.
Adv. Dr. Yair Shiber – List of Publications
Dr. Yair Shiber has published 6 books and many
articles on family law and the rabbinical courts
and edits and publishes the “Mishpahok” periodi-
cal, on these issues. He also frequently publishes
articles in the professional and popular media on
his specialization – family law. Occasionally, he is
invited to participate on professional panels, radio
and TV discussion programs. Here are some of the
articles he has written.
Delayed divorce –
evidence, witnesses and sacred
witnesses in rabbinical courts; Child support for
minors – new trends; Accepting disqualified wit-
nesses: in Hebrew Law and rabbinical courts; the
marriage certificate and delayed divorce; Parental
obligations in child support; Validity of child sup-
port agreements; On artificial insemination, clon-
ing and rabbinical courts; The race for authority
– rabbinical courts and family affairs courts; Civil
marriage – a solution to the problem of delayed
divorce; The relationship between the marriage
certificate and theWealth Relations Law; Refusal to
allow entry of a spouse into the home; and more.
The Firm Reflected in the Media
“Mum will pay more than Dad:”
In an exceptional
ruling by the Ramat Gan Family Affairs Court, very
low child support payments were handed down to
a husband on the grounds that the wife’s income
was higher than the husband and she owns the
apartment. Judge YehoramShaked decided that for
essential and household needs, the husband will
pay only NIS 2,600 per month for his two children
to the age of just 15. For the remaining expenses,
(extra-curricular activities, healthcare, culture,
entertainment and private lessons), the husband
will pay one third and the wife two thirds, and not
half as is usual. The judge accepted the claims
of the husband and his attorneys Dr. Yair Shiber
and Doron Shiber who asked that lower support
be set for the husband. Judge Shaked ruled that
the fact that the wife owned the apartment was a
tie-breaker with the husband and clearly indicated
that her economic position was better than the
father. (Yedioth Ahronoth).
Bereaved Parents Ask: “Bring a grandchild from
the son that died”:
Captain Omri Shachar, an out-
standing naval officer was killed a year ago in a
road accident and his parents are now asking to
allow them to bring a grandchild into the world
from the sperm of their son. Before their son was
buried, the court acceded to the parents request
to keep some sperm from his body. The parents’
attorneys Yair Shiber, Doron Shiber and Avidan
Glovinsky claim that the son’s sperm is part of his
estate and his parents are the heirs. The attorneys
also claim that the desire for continuity is a basic
desire and providing offspring to a person even
after death is consistent with his desire as long as
there is no indication that he opposed such a thing.
“As far as is known to us, this is the first time that
parents have asked to bring a child into the world
from the sperm of their dead son,” said Dr. Yair
Shiber. “A couple in the State of Israel can receive
a donation of eggs, receive sperm and receive a
surrogate mother. But if two of the three sides are
missing, as in this instance, there are no legal ar-
rangements. A widow can receive sperm from her
late husband because she is the mother and only
sperm is missing. The sperm can also be given to
another mother or surrogate mother but in this
situation – when people are coming only with the
sperm of their son, without eggs and without a
mother to give birth, it is still impossible and over
this we are struggling.” The court passed the case
onto the Attorney General and Welfare Services
Legal Advisor for an opinion. (Yedioth Ahronoth).
Floor, Beit Gibor Sport, 7 Menachem
Begin Road, Ramat Gan
972-3-7173939 ���
972-3-7273940 Shiber
Adv., Owner, (LL.B)
Saray Weiss
Adv. and Mediator (LL.M)
Tiky Preter
Adv., (LL.B)
Shani Hen
Adv. and Mediator (LL.M)
Dr. Yair Shiber
Adv., Owner, (Ph.D)
Michal Frankel
Adv. and Mediator (LL.B)
Illana Shoshan
(LL.B; M.A; B.A)