Business Services
Law Firms - Insolvency Law
Matry, Meiri & Co. Law Offices
atry, Meiri & Co. is a full service com-
mercial-civil law firm, with particular
expertise in insolvency (receivership,
liquidation and stay-of-proceedings), corporate
law, securities, high-tech, international transac-
tions, banking, real estate, insurance, sports law
and commercial litigation.
Composed of highly skilled and experienced
lawyers, the Firm operates at the highest profes-
sional standards, thus ensuring personal and di-
rect involvement of all the Firm’s partners as well
as high-quality, efficient, accessible and effective
legal services.
Insolvency and Banking Department
For several consecutive years, the Firm’s Insolvency
Department has been ranked by professional rat-
ings with the highest possible rating. Adv. Ronen
Matry, who heads the Department, is considered
one of Israel’s most appreciated attorneys in this
field, and the Department is involved in a sub-
stantial part of the major insolvency proceedings
conducted in Israel in recent years.
Within the scope of insolvency proceedings, the
Firm represents financial, construction and infra-
structure entities, as well as retail, industrial and
high-tech companies. The Firm provided repre-
sentation in proceedings related to Mega Group
(Blue Square), the Jerusalem Economic Company,
Modgal (shareholder in Israel Petrochemicals),
ACE, Central Bus Station, Z. Landau construction
company, Tal Hayut, Extra Plastic, Masonite, Rav-
Bariach andmore. The Firmhas special expertise in
complex creditors’ arrangements incidental to stay
of proceedings, supported by a highly professional
and skilled team and further specializes in large-
scale insolvency proceedings with international
aspects. Additionally, the Firm represents banks in
debt restructuring arrangements (Shemen Group
and Tiv Taam Group debt restructurings).
Real Estate Department
The Firm’s Real Estate Department has extensive
experience in counselling and assisting complex
real estate transactions in Israel and abroad, while
representing a broad range of developers, sellers,
buyers and land owners. Within this scope, the Firm
represents institutional investors in transactions
for the acquisition of income-producing assets.
Among others, it represents Phoeniclass (a joint
company of America-Israel and The Phoenix) in
a project for construction of 450 residential units
on the land of the Kibbutzim College in Tel-Aviv,
an exclusive acquisition group in a project for
construction of a luxury residential dwelling in a
building for conservation in Chen Boulevard in Tel-
Aviv, as well as developers in National Outline Plan
38 projects in Ramat-Gan and Tel-Aviv. The Firm
represents developers in Eastern Europe, and has
expertise in establishing real estate investment
trusts (REITs).
Commercial Department
The Firm’s Commercial Department, headed by
Adv. Moran Meiri, provides ongoing legal services
to Israeli and international entities, including pub-
lic, private, government andmunicipal companies.
The Department renders legal advice to Boards of
Directors as well as corporate secretarial services.
The Department represents clients in merger and
acquisition transactions, engages in drafting in-
vestment and financing agreements and provides
legal services to international companies and for-
eign residents conducting business operations in
Israel and overseas. The Commercial Department
also has special expertise in sports law.
The practical experience of the Commercial De-
partment combines high levels of professional and
legal expertise with a thorough understanding of
the business environment in which the Firm’s cli-
ents operate. The Firm’s clientele includes com-
panies from a variety of sectors including airline
companies, insurance companies and agencies,
biomed and medical products companies, energy
companies, consulting firms, security companies,
entertainment and recreation companies, fashion
and apparel companies, media and advertising
entities, press companies, sports teams and as-
sociations, and more.
High-Tech Department
The High-Tech Department specializes in repre-
senting clients in the high-tech industry, includ-
ing founders, corporations, investors (with a
special expertise in representing venture capital
funds), lenders and purchasers. The Department
provides on-going legal counsel to its clients in
a variety of areas within the field of high-tech,
including software, internet, semiconductors,
biotech, life science, medical devices and equip-
ment and clean-tech. Adv. Oren Knobel and Adv.
Keren Wacht, who head the Department together,
are considered leaders in the industry and have
extensive experience in the field of high-tech, as
well as in representing buyers and sellers in ac-
quisition transactions and companies in private
and public offerings. The Firm is rated by various
professional ratings as a prominent and leading
firm in the high-tech industry.
Capital Market, Corporate and Securities
The Department, headed by Adv. Limor Shofman,
specializes in providing clients with ongoing coun-
sel and assistance within the framework of capital
raisings on the Israeli stock Exchange and on stock
exchanges abroad, aswell as private placements in
Israel and abroad. The Department provides coun-
sel on issues relating to securities and corporate
law, provides ongoing advice to board of directors
and board committees, counsels and handles con-
trolling shareholder transactions and tender offers,
assists in formulating officer compensation plans
and administrative enforcement programs and pro-
vides representation vis-à-vis the regulators. The
Department also specializes in complex mergers,
splits and reorganizations.
Litigation Department
The Firm’s Litigation Department, headed by Adv.
Maya Sabari, handles all types of litigation, and
represents Israeli and international individual and
corporate clients before courts and arbitrators. The
Department is engaged in commercial litigation,
securities litigation, corporate power struggles
(including internal investigations andminority op-
pression claims) and representation of companies,
directors, officers and controlling shareholders in
class and derivative actions. Additionally, the De-
partment has vast experience in labor law and the
Prohibition of Defamation Law.
Esta b l i s h e d
L i n e o f B u s i n ess
Law Firm
pa rt n e r s
Kitty Brunner
Keren Wacht
Oren Knobel
Ido Levin
Liron Cahana
Rami Aharon
Yossi Ben-Naftali
Raviv Tsifroni
Raz Ben-Dor
Gibor Sport Building, 24
7 Menachem Begin St., Ramat Gan 5268102
972-3-6109009 Meiri
Senior Partner *
Ronen Matry
Senior Partner *
* See Top Executives Profiles - Page 582