Business Services
Law Firms - Defamation Law
Tytunovich, Attorneys at Law
he attorney and mediator Amir Ty-
tunovich is one of the prominent civil-
commercial lawyers, specializing in
particular in libel law.
Over the years, Adv. Tytunovich has represent-
ed public figures in highly-publicized cases. The
firm specializes in commercial-civil law, includ-
ing civil litigation, corporate, contracts, bills,
real estate, inheritance and more.
In addition to professionalism and experience,
the firm offers values such as loyal and kind
service, creative vision and wise calculated con-
duct, even in heavy pressures.
Among the firm’s clients are politicians, city
mayors, businessmen, journalists, physicians
and more, who cleared their names and reached
satisfactory results, thanks to the firm’s profes-
sional legal performance.
In view of the aforementioned, Tytunovich At-
torneys gained a reputation as a leading and
professional firm, being a reliable source for
efficient solutions, by a personal and human
About the Firm
Adv. Tytunovich started his independent ca-
reer in 1990 when he opened a law office in
partnership with Adv. Makovsky. In 2002 he
established the present independent firm. Adv.
Efrat Azulay also works at the firm, in produc-
tive and fruitful collaboration. Adv. Tytunovich
has an LL.M from TAU and is an IBA member
since 1987. He is the legal commentator of
Globes newspaper where he writes a weekly
column - “Further Hearing”, a member of the
Israel Bar Association, Tel Aviv District’s Ethical
Committee, the legal consultant (pro-bono) of
the Association for Children – Fair Chance for
Children, an executive board member and le-
gal consultant (pro-bono) at The Israel Multiple
Sclerosis Society, and has lectured a libel law
course at Sha’arei Mishpat Academic Center.
Outstanding Achievements
Clal and journalist Yoav Yitzhak’s Affair -
Tytunovich represented journalist Yoav Yitzhak
at the Clal Affair starting 1994. The affair broke
out after Clal group boycotted any advertising
at Maariv newspaper, in which the journalist
published a series of investigative articles on
the group and its executives Itzhak Shrem and
Aharon Dovrat. The investigation revealed that
the group committed offenses against the Se-
curities Law. Following Mr. Yitzhak’s exposures,
a defamation media campaign was conducted
against him. Yoav Yitzhak approached Adv. Ty-
tunovich in order to clear his name and protect
his professional reputation and honor. After a
long struggle against various entities, the affair
ended to Mr. Yitzhak’s satisfaction.
Rafi Ginat and Kolbodek Affair -
Adv. Tytunovich
represented Adv. Chaim Stanger in his lawsuit
against Rafi Ginat, who claimed in his TV pro-
gram “Kolbodek” that Adv. Stanger acted in
an illegitimate manner at the Aids Patients
and Blood Transfusion Affair. Rafi Ginat and
the program’s reporter were charged to pay
NIS 150,000 as libel compensation to Adv.
Jenin Jenin Affair -
“Jenin Jenin” is a contro-
versial documentary filmed by director Mu-
hammad Bakri on the warfare in Jenin during
Operation Defensive Shield. The film portrays
the IDF’s soldiers as war criminals and the
military operation as a massacre. Due to the
film’s many misrepresentations, the Israel Film
Ratings Board banned its screening. Muhamad
Bakri filed an appeal against the Board and the
Supreme Court of Justice permitted the film’s
screening on freedom-of-expression grounds.
5 reserve soldiers, who fought in Jenin, sued
Muhamad Bakri for defamation via Adv. Ty-
tunovich, claiming that the IDF’s soldiers were
portrayed as war criminals, in a false and dis-
torted way.
After legal proceedings lasting 9 years the Su-
preme Court expressed in its verdict its dissat-
isfaction from the film and its director and the
lies it presented under the pretext of objective
documentation. In the framework of a compro-
mise, Muhammad Bakri agreed to apologize to
the IDF’s soldiers and admit that the scenes
were biased and the film “Jenin Jenin” is not a
documentary. The combatants refused to ac-
cept it.
IBA Affair -
Adv. Tytunovich represents Moshe
Nestelbaum, former Manager of the News Divi-
sion at Channel 1, in his libel lawsuit against
Igal Ravid. Adv. Tytunovich claimed that Mr.
Ravid conducted a groundless defamation cam-
paign mainly motivated by Mr. Ravid’s desire to
be promoted at the IBA.
Goel Razon’sWife -
Adv. Tytunovich represented
one of Goel Razon’s wives in her libel lawsuit
against a media organization that invaded her
According to the lawsuit, the testimonies on her
relations with Goel Razon since the age of 14
were revealed without her knowledge or permis-
sion on the “Ulpan Shishi” news.
Dr. Davidovich Affair -
Dr. Davidovich is a senior
neurosurgeon who carries out back surgery by
an innovative and highly successful method.
Adv. Tytunovich represented Dr. Davidovich in
his libel lawsuit against senior physicians and
Channel 10, which published a defamatory re-
port about him, claiming that said physicians
are trying to damage him. In the framework of
the lawsuit for NIS 8 million, Adv. Tytunovich
claimed that senior physicians are trying to cast
Dr. Davidovich’s work in a negative light. They
conducted a “witch hunt” against him due to
the success of his method, which harms their
It is noteworthy that many hospitals support Dr.
Davidovich and stated that invalid interests are
behind the physician’s assertions.
Esta b l i s h e d
L i n e o f B u s i n ess
Attorney, Civil-Commercial Law
Moshe Aviv Tower (42
7 Jabotinsky Rd., Ramat Gan 5252007
972-3-6114081 Tytunovich
Founder and Owner *
* See Top Executives Profiles - Page 582