Business Services
Law Firms - Commercial Litigation
Eytan Liraz & Co. Law Offices
ytan Liraz & Co. is one of Israel’s lead-
ing boutique firms dealing mainly with
litigation, international commercial law
and commercial law. The firm’s core activities
involve complex, large-scale litigation cases in
a broad range of litigation fields in courts, and
complex Israeli and international arbitrations.
The firm supports leading businesspeople, top
Israeli and international companies, in complex,
large suits, including commercial suits, civil suits,
class actions (representing defendants), complex
white collar cases (Israeli and international), and
power struggles in wealthy Israeli families and
Adv. Eytan Liraz is a known authority in his field
and was recently appointed by the Israeli delega-
tion to the International Chamber of Commerce
as an AlternateMember of the International Court
of Arbitration in Paris, one of the world’s most
important arbitration institutions. He has formerly
served as representative in Israel of the Switzer-
land-Israel Chamber of Commerce, as Deputy
Chairman of the Israel-South Africa Chamber
of Commerce and head of the legal desk of the
Israel-France Chamber of Commerce.
Workat the firm is conducted by teams, with Adv.
Liraz personally involved in every case, assisted
by experienced, skilled and top-tier partners who
have long been an inherent part of the firm. The
firm has operated in the international arena for
many years and has close working relations with
top law firms in Europe, the U.S, and Far East. The
firm provides leading commercial clients, with a
rich array of integrated legal strategies including
tomultinational corporations consolidating their
presence in Israel, and Israeli organizations with
international operations.
The firm’s teamharnesses its proven abilities and
expertise to build sound legal strategies that as-
sist clients in achieving their aims in the business
world, or an international dispute. The firm repre-
sents international entitieswithmajor operations
in complex proceedings, in a range of areas. The
firm is proud of its immaculate reputation gained
through creative, powerful and uncompromising
legal services that provide Israeli and interna-
tional clients with full satisfaction.
The Firm’s Practice Areas
Eytan Liraz &Co. combines the diversemix of abil-
ities of its staff. The source of the firm’s success
includes creativity, innovation, thoroughness and
teamwork. Themain practice areas are litigation,
international commercial and commercial law in-
cluding pharmaceuticals.
Commercial Litigation:
The firm specializes in
all areas of commercial litigation and is proud of
its roster of top-tier clients. Adv. Liraz has been
involved in a long list of high profile cases includ-
ing representing: the DefenseMinister before the
Winograd Committee (as part of a teamof leading
attorneys); MK Eitan Cabel in the Histadrut power
struggle (including a ruling of major public signifi-
cance, studied in universities, allowing Cabel to
challenge to be Histadrut head); Yerucham Local
Council in a High Court petition of national impor-
tance after the IDF training base city was place in
its municipal borders; and more. The firm repre-
sents leading organizations and businesspeople
in complex, high-profiled cases in the courts and
complex Israeli and international arbitrations. The
firm has expertise in handling complex, large-
scale litigation disputes. The firmworks assertive-
ly, creatively and intensively, to promote clients’
interests with teamwork, and devoting the full
efforts required to deeply and thoroughly study
the legal facts, and invest the time and resources
needed to consistently achieve the best results
for clients. The firmprovides consultancy on strat-
egies for legal proceeding and conducts them.
The firm is also successful in amicably resolving
disputes, drafting compromise agreements, be-
fore and after litigation.
International Activities:
The firm has a unique
approach to assisting clients that launch inter-
national activities: the firm’s team specializes in
international activities including lawyerswithma-
jor experience in all legal matters regarding found-
ing foreign business and marketing entities but
work locally as an inherent part of the firm. This
advantage provides clients with the added value
stemming from the synergy of the overall team’s
experience and creates the best legal strategy
for success. Foreign clients interested in found-
ing businesses in Israel will feel at home with
the firm’s staff which speaks several languages
and include lawyers with international profes-
sional experience. The firm’s staff understands
complex cultural and legal nuances involved in
launching international business operations and
anticipates legal, regulatory and tax challenges,
dealing with them in advance. These proven
abilities enable the firm to provide international
entrepreneurs a smooth entry to Israel’s market.
In international litigation, the firm has a unique
advantage because of Adv. Liraz’s expertise and
experience in conducting complex international
disputes, over many years and continents. Before
founding the firm, he specialized in complex in-
ternational litigation in NewYork, U.Sand Europe.
For many years, the firmhas conducted the most
complex and large international disputes in Israel
in courts, and international arbitrations (in inter-
national arbitration institutions).
Pharmaceutical Sector:
The firm is undoubtedly
one of the Israeli firms that have led the pharma-
ceutical sector from a legal perspective over the
past 15 years, conducting a series of proceedings
that have shaped the market. The firm has sup-
portedmanymultinational corporations entering
Israel’smarket and led the Israeli side of mergers
with foreign pharmaceutical firms. The firmplans
tax structures for the Group’s operations in Israel,
forms agreements on which a substantial part of
clinical trials in Israel are based, and supports
agreements for R&D, local-international collabo-
rations, establishing leading VC funds and VC in-
vestment deals. The firm was involved in many
M&A transactions, worth hundreds of millions of
dollars and more, and the reorganization of the
company acquired. The firm supports the most
important academic institutions in their commer-
cial activities and IP commercialization, stressing
life sciences and pharmaceuticals.
Esta b l i s h e d
L i n e o f B u s i n ess
Litigation, International-
Commercial Law and
Commercial Law
Floor, Sonol Tower, 52 Menachem Begin
Road, Tel Aviv 6713701
972-3-5377388 ���
www.lirazlaw.comShlomo Hemli
Eitan Brosh
Guy Reches
Lior Ben Dror
Eytan Liraz
Owner & Founder