Business Services
Law Firms - Intellectual Property Law
&A Glazberg, Applebaum & Co. is an
intellectual property boutique law firm,
which maintains unique expertise in
drafting patent applications, filing for trademarks
and designs and litigating in complex disputes,
such as patent infringement lawsuits, trademarks
and designs violation actions and trade secrets
The combination between outstanding compre-
hensive legal services and a deep technological
knowledge, specifically regarding the hi-tech
field, enables the firm to provide its clients with
an added value and to locate the optimal solu-
tions for their needs. The firm is renowned for its
professional excellence regarding representation
before the court concerning various legal matters,
while maintaining an extensive strategic outlook
designated to fulfill the clients’ goals. The firm is
acknowledged by national and international law
guides as one of the prominent firms in Israel in
the field of IP and specifically regarding the patent
field. In 2015 alone, the firmwas chosen as one of
the leading firms by Legal 500, by Chambers and
Partners and by IP Starts in the IP field for 2016.
Knowledge, implementation and service
The firm’s staff constantly follows legal and tech-
nological developments, and is committed to keep
learning. The team thoroughly examines every
case, based on the understanding that the cur-
rent state of the law and of technology constantly
undergoes changes. The firm believes that only
professional implementation and application of
theoretical knowledge which was accumulated
enables an ideal outcome for its clients. The team
insists on providing each client with personal legal
services, whilemaintaining a predefined schedule
and budget, always seeing the clients’ goals as
its own.
Practice Areas
Intellectual property -
Is at the firm’s core activity.
The firm offers various services such as patent,
trademark and design procurement in Israel and
abroad; IP related dispute management in Israel,
including copyright infringement, trade secret
misappropriation, enforcement of registered IP
rights (patents, trademarks and designs), oppo-
sitions and cancelation proceedings regarding
patents, trademarks and designs; disputes relat-
ing to domain names (UDRP, IL-DRP); negotiations
management and license agreement drafting stem-
ming from IP and advising the permitted use of
open code software. The firm registers patents,
trademarks and designs in Israel and worldwide,
and enforces IP protection in Israel and abroad
via foreign colleagues. The firm renders the best
possible protection available to its clients, in or-
der to protect their core IP, to obtain IP assets by
meticulous and cautious planning.
Patents -
The firm believes that the patent field
requires a deep technological understanding and a
comprehensive perception of this unique legal tool,
including the changing distinctive needs through-
out the patent and technology’s lifespan. Thus,
the firm maintains high standards of expertise
and strives to understand each client’s technol-
ogy, while constantly examining their needs. The
firm assists its clients by drafting and submitting
patent applications to various patent institutions
worldwide; managing patent prosecutions vis-à-
vis the Israeli patent authority and foreign patent
offices; managing and developing patent portfo-
lios; managing legal disputes regarding patents,
including oppositions and, cancelation proceed-
ings and enforcement; managing legal disputes
regarding inventors rights, including compensa-
tion and remuneration for service inventions; and
drafting legal opinions, including freedom to oper-
ate opinions, and patent validity or infringement
Registration of trademarks:
The firm understands
the client’s commercial and branding needs in
the specific market in which they operate. This
understanding and close cooperation with the
client enable the firm to identify the brands that
the client has an essential interest in protecting,
both in Israel and abroad. This identification, along
with a profound understanding of the law and the
possibilities it renders, enable the firm to create
strategicmoves for its clients regarding trademarks
and their enforcement.
Litigation -
The firmbelieves that managing clients’
affairs in court is a complex art which requires a
profound familiarity with the law, as well as a prac-
tical understanding of the proceedings subtleties.
The firmprides itself with an extensive understand-
ing of the law and rules, as well as with the theo-
retical concepts on which they rest. That is why
the team constantly follows and studies the law
and its advances. The firmbelieves that combining
the theory with the client’s needs, along with the
practical realm of proceedings management, are
key to managing the procedure optimally.
Ziv Glazberg, Adv.
(IL and NY)
and Patent Attorney
heads the firm’s intellectual property and patent
department, which handles procurement of IP
rights, such as patents, designs and trademarks,
both in Israel and abroad. Ziv holds a LL.B., a B.A
in Computer Science and a B.A in Economics (all
CumLaude) and is highly experienced in the Israeli
hi-tech industry. Ziv is an inventor of 8 worldwide
patent protected inventions and has published
many peer-reviewed articles in the computer sci-
ence field. International lawguides have repeatedly
listed Ziv as one of the top IP attorneys in Israel.
Nadav Applebaum, Adv.
heads the firm’s litiga-
tion department, representing the firm’s clients’
interests in legal disputes with an emphasis on
IP. Nadav holds a LL.B. and a B.A. in psychology
and regularly lectures in both courses and lectures
regarding law and litigation. In order to effectively
create a strategy for each and every client, Nadav
combines within his work frame both his legal
aptitude, his experience as an investigator and
his academic background in psychology. Nadav
specializes in litigation before legal courts in all
legal cases, specifically regarding legally complex
G&A Glazberg, Applebaum & Co.
Esta b l i s h e d
L i n e o f B u s i n ess
IP, Patent Law and Litigation
A ss o c i at es
Tali Gat-Falik
Adv. and Patent Attorney
Sharon Peri
Adv. and Patent Attorney
Lihi Ashkenazi
Tel Aviv -
Rogovin Tidhar Tower, 18
11 Begin Rd., Ramat Gan 5268104
Haifa -
“City Center” Complex, 6
6 Ben Gurion Av., Haifa 3541416
972-73-259-3333 Glazberg
Adv. (IL and NY) & Patent
Nadav Applebaum