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Criteria for Sectorial Rankings

Power Rankings:

The Power Ranking presents the 100

leading companies in the economy according to three

components: revenue; employees; and net profit.

Each parameter is given aweightedmarkaccording to

the company's data over the past three years.

The companies ranked in the Power Ranking are from

the following sectors: industry, service and trade (in-

cluding leasing), high-tech, real estate, banks, and

insurance groups.

Holding& InvestmentCompanies:

by equity and rank-

ing table by balance sheet. A company with negative

equity will not be included in the rankings.

Commercial Banks:

by total assets.

Insurance Groups:

calculated according to the follow-

ing components: 1. Total assetsmanaged in pension

funds; 2.Total assetsmanaged in provident funds; 3.

Total balance sheet assets; 4. Income derived from

long-terms savings management fees; 5. Gross pre-

miums earned.

Insurance Agencies:

by income from commission


Investment Houses:

by total investment portfolio,

divided according to the following components: 1.

Portfolios Managed; 2. Mutual Funds; 3. Exchange-

Traded Funds (ETF); 4. Provident Funds.

Underwriting Companies:

listed according to the

number of offerings in which the underwriting com-

panies took part of as distribution managers and the

overall number of offerings.

Independent Trading Arenas (Forex):

According to

the following components: 1. Number of company

employees; 2. Number of employees handling Israeli

activity; 3. Number of active traders in Israel; 4. Total

money net raised annually in Israel (millions of dol-

lars); 5. Average monthly deal turnover (millions of

dollars); 6. Part of a global group.

Industrial Companies:

by sales volume.

Kibbutz Industry Enterprises: by sales volume.

Trade Companies:

by operating revenue.

Service Companies:

by operating revenue.

Construction, Development, and Infrastructure Com-


by income derived fromconstruction and de-

velopment and infrastructures.

Two secondary rankings are presented: infrastruc-

tures, construction and development, where the

company’s secondary ranking is determined by its

basic area of specialization, which represents its

principle income.

Real Estate Development Companies:

ranking is only

for companies traded on stockexchanges.The ranking

is calculated from several factors: 1. By assets from

development activities; 2. Total real estate inventory

(regular assets + irregular assets) including land re-

serves, apartments' inventory and buildings for sale;

3. Debt ratio to capital – Financial debt (gross) / (Total

equity + financial debt (gross)).

Income Producing Real Estate:

ranking is calculated

from the following components: 1. Income producing

property income; 2. ConsolidatedNOI; 3. Income from

income producing real estate per square meter; 4.

FFO; 5. Total assets; 6. Total capital divided by total


Hotel Real Estate:

ranking is calculated according to

the following three components: 1. Hotels' operat-

ing income; 2. Number of rooms; 3. Average income

per room;

Real Estate Consulting:

ranking according to the num-

ber of professional employees.

Real Estate Appraisers:

ranking according to the

following components: 1. Number of appraisers; 2.

Volume of appraisals.

Architects Firms:

by number of architects and archi-

tectural engineers employed.

Engineering Offices:

by number of professional em-

ployees in the engineering sector employed by the

company, and secondary rankings for engineering

design offices, project management offices, offices

including planning and project management.

Law Firms:

by number of lawyers employed by the

firm as of 31.12.15.

Law Firms by Niche Practice:

presenting leading law

firms in a range of practice areas. Ranking of firms

are based on estimates, among other things, of data

gathered on: substantial cases, large clients, prec-

edent setting rulings, professional publications and

searching interviewswith leading figures in every sec-

tor and with key customers.

Patent Attorneys:

according to several components:

1. Number of patent lawyers; 2. Number of profes-

sional employees, total academic professional em-

ployees employed by the firm to provide professional

services in the field of patent attorneys; 3. Number

of requests filed in Israel and abroad; 4. Number of

PCTs filed; 5. Main clients.

Accountancy Firms:

by several components:

1. Number of accountants; 2. Number of academic

professional employees; 3. Number of companies

audited; 4. Companies in an international network;

5. Number of publicly-traded companies audited, and

their size TASE, Nasdaq, and AIM).

In addition, a ranking is presented according to: 1.

Consultancy activities; 2. Number of publicly traded

companies on TASE, Nasdaq, and AIMwhich the firm

audits their financial reports; 3. Number of Tel Aviv

100 Index companies internally audited.

Leasing & Vehicle Rental Companies:

by balance

sheet, as well as two sub-ratings: financing leasing

and operational leasing.

Freight Forwarders & Customs Brokers:

according to

gross freight forwarding income, Approved Economic

Organization (AEO) status, and existing agreements

with international freight forwarding companies.

Local Authorities:

(Municipalities) based on five com-

ponents: 1. Rate of surplus/deficit in the ordinary

budget; 2. Property tax collection rate; 3. Ratio of

grants to regular budget; 4. Ratio of businesses to

residents; 5. Socioeconomic ranking.

Health Funds:

by total income from activities.

Sheltered Housing:

by number of residential units.

The Best High-Tech Companies to Work For:

The ranking presents the Israeli high-tech companies,

which were selected as the best to work for accord-

ing to a comprehensive survey amongmanagers and

employees in the sector with four components: 1.

Salary and benefit terms; 2. Employment security;

3. Work environment experience; 4. Overall career



Companieswith a score of 16 or lesswere not ranked

according to Dun & Bradstreet's ranking model.

Companies with a "going concern" warning were not

ranked (subject to Dun & Bradstreet's discretion).

Sales volume and operating income are as per com-

pany financial reports.


– includes exports of goods

and services from Israel and sales of subsidiaries


Exchange Rate

– figures that were presented in for-

eign currency were converted according to the aver-

age rate in 2015. Figures for equity and assets were

converted according to the currency exchange rate as

of December 31, 2015.

Figures for Net Profit and Equity

– the figures shown

do not include those with minority rights.

Reporting Period:

All figures are for the year ending

December 31, 2015.

Holding & Investment Groups -

Companies included

are companies whose independent activities repre-

sent less than 25% of their income and the holding

in the company when consolidated is above a rate of

25% with a trend towards control.

Industrial Companies -

Industrial companies are com-

panies which meet the following criteria:

1. The company is registered in Israel.

2. Over 50%of income derives fromproduction activi-

ties by the company and subsidiaries in its control.

Service&Trade Companies -

Service &Trade Compa-

nies meet the following criteria:

1. The company is registered in Israel.

2. Over 50%of income does not derive fromproduc-

tion activities.

It is important to note that the rankings of service

and trade companies do not include financial and

financing companies such as banks and insurance

companies as well as construction, development

and real estate companies. These companies have

a separate ranking.














