Business Services
Law Firms - Family Law
Matat Plesner Law Firm
atat Plesner – Law Firm is one of Israel’s
leading boutique firms in family law,
mediation and divorce. The firm’s team
provides clients with a package of solutions that
include cases conducted in different courts, and
mediation proceedings as part of drawing up agree-
ments. The firm’s clients enjoy reliable, discreet and
effective service adapted to the personal needs of
each client. The firm’s uniqueness is in its high ser-
vice awareness, broad professional know-how and
major experience in conducting elaborate cases
including cases with financial aspects.
The firm was founded in 2006 by Matat Plesner,
member of the Israel Bar Association since 1999,
and is currently comprised of 5 attorneys. Adv. Ple-
sner is a skilled lawyer with proven experience who
has obtainedmany legal achievements and success-
es in the firm’s practice including conducting divorce
cases, mediation proceedings, drawing up prenup-
tial and divorce agreements, parenting agreements,
common law marriages, family support, custody,
child abduction, making wills, inheritance cases,
other family disputes etc. Plesner hasmajor experi-
ence in building strategies and tactics in cases that
she manages. She is also an authorized mediator
and conducts family and divorce mediation cases
and has major experience in managing negotia-
tions. Plesner has a high rate of success in settling
disputes through complex mediation proceedings.
The firm specializes in managing cases and rep-
resentation in family affairs courts and rabbinical
courts and other tribunals. Representation includes
planning strategies without compromise, to obtain
clients’ targets tomaximumeffect. The firmprovides
clients with personal and warm attention, and con-
ducts itself with maximum sensitivity. In managing
cases the firm’s staff are assisted by experts while
mapping future scenarios and systematic thinking
to fit the client’s needs. The firm’s uniqueness is
its uncompromising professionalism, determina-
tion, and constantly aspiring to excellence, and its
values and creativity.
Contribution to the Community
At any time, the firm’s staff conducts at least one pro
bono case, seeing this as a substantial and impor-
tant contribution to the community, recognizing this
endeavor as a significant part of routine activities.
Adv. Matat Plesner
Matat Plesner is a graduate in Law and Administra-
tion, Tel Aviv University. She has been amember of
the Israel Bar since 1999 and an authorizedmedi-
ator since 2005. In the past Matat Plesner worked
as a volunteer for 5 years for the National Council
for the Child. She has been teaching at Harvard
University where she was awarded a certificate for
excellence in instruction in 2005. Matat Plesner
was amember of the Ethics Committee of the Israel
Bar Tel Aviv District and serves today as a Senior
Lecturer in an advanced family mediation course
in “Harmonia”. In 2014 Adv. Plesner established
“Harmonia – a home for mediation” – a divorce
mediation center and the leading school in Israel
for the mediation and family-mediation profes-
sions. Adv. Plesner is a member of the National
Forum for family law of the Israel Bar.
Practice Areas
Representation in the Family Affairs Court -
firmhasmajor experience in representing complex
cases in family affairs court including the over-
all range of family law, resulting in impressive
achievements and obtaining clients’ goals.
Representation in the Rabbinical Court -
The firm
has major experience in managing cases in the
rabbinical court and Rabbinical High Court.
Mediation -
The firm’s staff is proud of its achieve-
ments inmediation. The firmenjoys proven experi-
ence in its ability to reach optimal agreements
for clients through the assistance of creative and
innovative thinking. The firm conducts complex
mediations in various fields including, but not
limited to, elaborate property matters.
Prenuptial and Divorce Agreements -
Thanks to
its human and professional approach, the firm’s
staff has been chosen to lead complex negotiation
proceedings betweenmarried or common law cou-
ples, to the full satisfaction of the parties andwith-
out being dragged into long legal proceedings.
Parenting Agreements -
The firmhasmajor experi-
ence in drawing up a range of parental agreements
including same sex parenting agreements.
Same Sex Couple Agreements -
The firm special-
izes in preparing prenuptial and/ or parenting
agreements for same sex couples.
Common Law Spouses -
The firm has major
experience inmanaging child support cases, cus-
tody cases and property of common law spouses in
the courts and as part of conducting negotiations
and reaching settlements outside the courts. In
2009, the firm won a precedent-setting ruling in
this area.
Property Cases –
The firm has outstanding exper-
tise in administrating highly financed and complex
property cases at courts. The firm also handles
cases of property smuggles in Israel and oversees,
while getting assistance fromprivate investigators,
actuary and financial consultants.
Spousal Support Cases -
Over the years, the firm
has handled an enormous number of child and
women support cases with great success in both
the civil and rabbinical courts.
Custody Cases -
Custody cases are especially
sensitive cases in the field of family law. The firm
handles many custody cases including paternal
and joint custody suits, while reaching major
achievements in discussions.
Child Abduction -
The firm has experience in han-
dling international abduction cases in which staff
mobilizes for a swift, precise, sensitive and profes-
sional handling of the case leading to success.
Wills and Inheritance -
The firm has experience in
drawing up wills and handling inheritance cases.
Professional articles published on the “PsakDin”
site: Approving Partnership Agreements Between
Same-Sex Couples” and “The Authorizations Race”
Many appearances in the media and newspaper
Client Base
The firm’s clients include businessmen and high-
techers, intelligence personnel, doctors, engi-
neers, economists, capital-market professionals,
CPAs, psychologists, lawyers, pedagogues, jour-
nalists, celebrities and more who have full confi-
dence in the firm’s staff and enjoy professional
and worthy representation.
Esta b l i s h e d
l i n e o f b u s i n ess
Divorce Case Management, Litigation,
Mediation, Financing and Divorce
Agreements, Parenting Agreements,
Common Law Spouses, Property, Spousal
Support, Custody, Child Abduction, Wills
and Inheritance
Matat Plesner
Firm Owner & Founder,
Adv. and Mediator
20 Lincoln St., Tel Aviv 6713412
972-3-6246228 aw y e r s
Adv. Shirly Tebekman
Adv. Hila Vintraub
Adv. Rinat Solimani
Adv. Nitza Navon