Service & Trade
Wholesale Consumer Products
Trade Companies
lobrands specializes in importation,
marketing and distribution and is Is-
rael’s largest Fast Moving Consumer
oods (FCMG) “van-sale” distribution company.
Globrands represents world leading consumer
goodsmultinationals, and as such operates with
international management standards, culture,
and relationships with its suppliers, customers
and employees. The company provides its cus-
tomers throughout Israel with fast, innovative and
advanced import, distribution, marketing, and
sales services. Globrands has 200 employees in
its headquarters and three distribution centers.
2015 revenue is above NIS 2.0 billion.
Range of Innovative Services
Globrandswas founded in 2000 by senior manag-
ers with expertise in marketing and sales, who
had managed the Israeli activities of JTI (Japan
Tobacco International, formerly R.J. Reynolds),
which is still represented by them today. Since
then, Globrands has become a large and lead-
ing company in its field. The company operates
a nationwide distribution organization reaching
every retail point-of-sale in the country. This is
done through a large-scale organization of over
80 experienced sales representatives, servicing
over 10,000 customers at least once a week.
The company reaches all retailers in the country
that sell cigarettes and/or candies, such as food
chains, supermarkets, grocery stores, kiosks,
gas station convenience stores, army, police and
prison service canteens, do-it-yourself chains and
World Leading Brands
Globrands brands are international, well-estab-
lished and renowned and enjoy global commer-
cial and consumer exposure. The company holds
the second largest market share for cigarettes in
Israel. Globrands acts since 2001 as the exclusive
importer and distributor of JTI with brands includ-
ing Camel, Winston and LD. In addition, during
2007, the company became the exclusive im-
porter and distributor of BAT (British American To-
bacco) and its Kent, Pall Mall, LuckyStrike, Vogue
and Rothmans brands. The company distributes
tobacco Roll Your Own products of the companies
it represents, as well as BIC, the world’s leading
lighter brand. In the food sector, Globrands gives
sales and distribution services to Wrigley, Uni-
lever andmore, and strives to import and distrib-
ute additional leading international brands.
Van Sale System
The “van-sale system,” known for its efficiency,
is taking overall responsibility for all logistical,
operational and financial aspects related to the
sales and distribution process. Sales and distri-
bution are performed in a focusedmanner ensur-
ing the saving of time, money, and management
resources. The company also provides an um-
brella of additional services to the companies it
represents such as preparing annual business
plans, consultancy, support, and wide-ranging
assistance in all marketing and sales activities
in the local market.
Service-Orientation, Innovation, Reliability &
In the triangle of suppliers, customers and em-
ployees, Globrands strives to create a solid, uni-
fied platform that is service-oriented, reliable,
and transparent to all parties. The high profes-
sional level of the company’s distribution net-
work is recognized by global consumer products
manufacturers that approach the company for the
distribution of their products in Israel. As an inno-
vative company, Globrands strives to strengthen
its direct distribution network to enable full, easy
and convenient access for suppliers to every retail
point of sale in Israel. The company has set up a
specialized confectionery-products sales and dis-
tribution unit on top of its main distribution net-
work, to facilitate adequate handling. Globrands
management teamworks together as an efficient
and effective team in a lean corporate structure.
Senior management keeps close connections
with suppliers overseas and is developing new ar-
eas of activity, whilemaintaining the strict values
of proper management and international work
standards. Globrands takes responsibility for the
entire supply and logistics chain of the products
it distributes including the import process. The
company’s internal logistics department handles
the storage and transport of goods between the
port, the central warehouse and regional distribu-
tion centers throughout the country. New logistic
centers are placed strategically to effectively cov-
er the country and enable the storage of tobacco
and food products in the best conditions (includ-
ing air-conditioning) required for each category.
Brand marketing activities are carried out under
the strict supervision of the global manufactur-
ers. This includes advertising, sales promotion,
trade marketing, sponsorship, market research
andmore. Globrands takes part in planning, bud-
geting and implementing marketing programs
according to the instructions, principles and
concepts designed by its international suppli-
ers. Globrands’ level of computerization is the
most advanced in the field with a computer link
between the company’s departments, including
sales, marketing, finance logistics and general
Looking Ahead
Globrands aims to grow in the tobacco sector and
significantly increase its presence in the confec-
tionery market. It also plans to expand its busi-
ness in other areas. The company will develop
cooperation with other large food suppliers that
create synergy with existing activities. Globrands
continuously works to improve and perfect its
capabilities to position itself as amodel in terms
of the services it offers in Israel’s consumer goods
Esta b l i s h e d
L i n e o f B u s i n ess
Importation, Sales and Distribution of
Consumer Goods
l e a d i n g e x ecu t i v es
Yael Lev
Senior Vice President, Logistics
Amir Alon
Vice President, Sales & Distribution
Amir Doron
Vice President, Finance
Keren Shapira Kalif
Vice President, HR
9 Hahascala Ave., P.O.B. 19391,
Tel Aviv 6119302
972-9-8356633 Netzer
Yaron Gazit
Chairman *
The Logistics Center
* See Top Executives Profiles - Page 582