Business Services
Law Firms
Shavit Bar-On Gal-On Tzin Witkon,
Law Offices
stablished in 1992, Shavit Bar-On Gal-On
Tzin Witkon is a Tel Aviv-based law firm
specializing in commercial and corporate
law, M&A, planning and construction law, envi-
ronmental law, litigation, real estate, antitrust,
municipal law and taxation, labor law, cross-
border transactions, and international law.
The firm employs some 32 lawyers and 6 interns
and represents a wide range of clients – local and
foreign corporations, public institutions, munici-
palities, and government authorities. The firm is
the Israeli representative of the European Law
Group (ELG), which specializes in commercial and
corporate law. The firmprovides legal services in
a range of activities:
Commercial Law
Rendering legal opinions on commercial legal
issues – contracts law, property law, agency law,
etc.; drawing up agreements in all sectors of com-
mercial law, providing legal services to private
and public companies; legal representation busi-
ness corporations; conducting negotiations for
transactions in Israel and overseas, managing
international commercial transactions, interna-
tional acquisitions, specializing in industry, min-
ing and chemicals.
Planning and Construction
The firm is one of the leading offices in Israel
in the field of planning and construction and
represents public authorities and developers in
planning, licensing and enforcement; the firmap-
pears before planning commissions throughout
Israel before the national commission, district
courts, appeals court and local committees;
handles broad-scale projects for infrastructures,
industry, commerce and housing; supports doz-
ens of national, district and local master plans;
handles licensing, exceptional use permits, and
exemptions; represents defendants in planning
and building violations; handles expropriations,
compensation claims, and representation in
proceedings before appeal and assessors com-
mittees in the matter of levies and betterment
Corporate Law
Legal services to private and public companies in
all their activities; routine legal representation of
corporations; founding local and multinational
corporations; shareholder agreements, joint
ventures, incorporations; financing and invest-
ment agreements as part of private and public
offerings; M&A; representation of high-tech and
bio-tech enterprises, cooperatives, agricultural
Litigation and Arbitration
Commercial, corporate and civil litigation, repre-
senting in and managing proceedings in courts
and arbitrations in Israel and abroad; company
control and takeover disputes, representation of
majority and minority shareholders.
Real Estate
Representation in real estate transactions: de-
velopment enterprises, leasing and renting,
purchasing land and buildings, management
agreements, representation of malls and com-
mercial buildings, land tenders, vacation and
build agreements, counseling on earthquake
protection standards, etc.
The firm represents corporations and individu-
als in administrative, criminal and civil proceed-
ings before the Antitrust Authority and other
tribunals. The firm provides legal opinion on
antitrust and transaction planning, and serves
as “lawyers’ lawyer” for other firms.
Local Authorities, Municipal Taxes and
The firm represents local authorities in a wide
range of fields as internal and external legal
council; specializes in municipal taxes infra-
structure levies, represents local councils,
companies and individuals in administrative
proceedings, represents tender issuers and bid-
ders in BOT-PFI projects and tender litigation.
The firm represents clients in administrative law
cases, appearing before regulators and authori-
ties, supervision and enforcement authorities
and Knesset committees. The firm represents
private and institutional bodies in obtaining
rulings and appeals before administrative and
judicial authorities, and the High Court of Justice
in the Supreme Court, as well as representing
educational institutions.
The firm handles complex state tenders, govern-
ment offices, municipalities and other bodies
in the area of infrastructure, acquisition etc., in-
cluding BOT-PFI tenders on behalf of the tender
owner and proposer. The office also specializes
in complex tender litigation.
Administrative Offences
The firm has gained extensive experience in the
developing sector of administrative offences. This
includes a growing spectrum of criminal offenc-
es deriving from regulatory legislation. The firm
represents defendants in planning and building
offences, business regulators, environmental
protection, antitrust, etc.
Supports routine environmental activities of cor-
porations and local authorities; organizational
training and implementation; due diligence; con-
sultancy and support for environmental manage-
ment plans; handling local and general regulatory
arrangements; environmental litigation; levies,
fines and administrative sanctions; recycling
charges and obligations .
, a lawyer and CPA, heads the firm’s
affiliate tax consultancy unit specializing in real
estate tax, corporate structures, international tax
and tax litigation.
Hadas Sagi (Weinbaum)
head the affiliate unit
specializing in labour law, both individual and
collective, representing employers and employ-
ees, drafting employment agreement, providing
legal opinion, litigation in labour tribunals, pro-
viding legal opinion in various fields of labour
law, supporting commercial transactions, M&A
transactions, etc.
L i n e o f B u s i n ess
Law Firm
Sonol Tower, 20
Floor, 52 Menachem Begin
Rd., Tel Aviv 6713701
972-3-7912801 www.sbilaw.comOfer Bar-On
Senior Partner *
Yuval Gal-On
Senior Partner *
Amir Witkon
Senior Partner *
Ilan Shavit
Senior Partner *
Ron Tzin
Senior Partner *
Esta b l i s h e d
* See Top Executives Profiles - Page 582