Business Services
Law Firms
Tulchinsky Stern Marciano Cohen Levitski & Co.
ulchinsky Stern Marciano Cohen Levitski
& Co. was founded in 1995 by Menachem
Tulchinsky and Doron Stern and is a lead-
ing firm in commercial law. Since its establishment,
the firm has become renowned for its know-how,
expertise and excellence in commercial transac-
tions and other legal activities. Since its formation
the firm has significantly grown in its capabilities,
reputation and customer base. Today the firm
represents major commercial clients from Israel,
North America, Europe and the Far East, and en-
joys a close working relationships with leading law
firms in these geographical areas, enabling the
provision of seamless international legal services.
The firm represents Israeli and international com-
panies, investment funds and multinational orga-
nizations as well as smaller business entities and
private clients. The firm assists clients in execut-
ing complex and innovative financial transactions,
including private placements and public offerings
in local and overseas markets. The firm has been
involved in some of the largest private placements
in Israel and inM&A transactions ranging from the
acquisition of private companies throughmergers
and sales of assets between public companies in
Israel and abroad.
The firm represents and plays a role in solving
and handling commercial disputes and complex
disagreements, and handles all aspects of litiga-
tion from rendering expert legal opinions through
crisis management and managing large-scale and
complex legal cases.
The firm has a proven ability and recognized
reputation in the fields of intellectual property,
including technology licensing agreements and
matters related to funding from the Chief Scientist,
taxation, VC funds (formation and other activities),
early stage and more advanced high-tech and life
science companies, securities law, environmental
law, representation and appearances in court, in-
cluding complex commercial litigation, labor law,
tenders law, IT systems and computerization,
technology and telecom R&D, real estate, hotels,
arbitration and mediation.
Several of the firm’s lawyers are also qualified ac-
countants, which provides a deeper understanding
of the complex deals handled by the firm.
The firm gives all clients, large and small, per-
sonal, quality and uncompromising attention and
a senior lawyer supports clients throughout the
firm’s representation. The firm has branches in Tel
Aviv and Jerusalem, which provide an accessible
response to clients. The firm’s range of clients
includes companies in the forefront of the Israeli
and world economy, among them companies in
the pharmaceutical, biotech, medical devices and
high-tech sectors, VC funds, investment banks,
private investors, computer companies, hotels,
insurance firms and telecom providers.
TulchinskySternMarciano Cohen Levitski &Co. has
73 employees including 17 partners, 32 associ-
ates, 11 interns and 13 administrative staff.
Areas of Expertise
Companies, Securities, High-Tech, M&As, VC –
The firmprovides routine commercial consultancy,
including in respect of securities and corporate
law, to leading companies in international deals,
and has been involved in a wide range of large
scale capital raising and local and cross-border
M&A transactions, including some of the largest to
occur in Israel. The firm has extensive experience
in acting for VC funds, both in their investments
in companies and in advising them regarding the
structure and internal management of the fund,
and counsels its clients on all aspects of company
management and financing. The firmalso supports
the adoption and implementation of employee op-
tion and benefit plans and a range of cooperation
agreements. The firmhas unique and extensive ex-
pertise in representing pharmaceutical, high-tech,
medical device and biotechnology companies from
their establishment through growth and expansion,
including IPOs and M&As.
Biotechnology –
The firmhas extensive experience
and a deep knowledge of intellectual property and
biotechnology –
from the initial research phase,
through commercial agreements and licensing to
cooperation agreements with large companies in
Israel and abroad.
Taxation –
The firm considers the taxation sector
as central and advice to clients stresses various
aspects including international taxation in complex
transactions, consultancy on income tax, capital
gains tax, real estate tax and more. The firm also
handles civil and criminal tax cases.
Environment –
The firm counsels Israeli and mul-
tinational companies in the field of environmental
law, including governmental regulation, crisisman-
agement and representation in administrative, civil
and criminal procedures. The firm’s environmental
law department represented the Ministry for Envi-
ronmental Protection for many years and provides
clients with complete solutions.
Commercial Litigation and Handling of Disputes
and Crises –
The firm specializes in crisis situa-
tions, disputes and complex litigation both in and
outside the court system at all levels, including in
arbitration and mediation. The firm has extensive
and proven experience in commercial disputes and
various tax cases.
Real Estate –
The firm is engagedmainly in the com-
mercial real estate sector and handles all aspects
of a wide range of transactions. The firm supports
many real estate developers in Israel including in
setting up of residential neighborhoods, industrial
zones and commercial centers, while handling the
full range of legal issues related to establishing
these projects. The firm has extensive experience
in supporting hotel projects including financing,
construction, management and sale agreements.
Labor Law –
The firm’s Labor Law department
counsels a variety of clients, including some of the
leading and largest companies in their respective
fields. The department provides on-going legal sup-
port in various aspects of labor relations, including
establishment of organizational workforces, setting
policies, procedures and guidelines, providing sup-
port during organizational changes and employee
lay-offs, providing comprehensive legal opinions
on labor relations, managing the process of pro-
curing permits from the Ministry of Economy and
handling dispute resolutions, including litigation in
Labor Courts and arbitration proceedings.
Esta b l i s h e d
L i n e o f B u s i n ess
Law Firm
l e a d i n g e x ecu t i v es
Menachem Tulchinsky
Doron Stern
Amir Levitski
David Cohen
Isaac Marciano
Yossi Ratnovsky
Alon Tabak
Daniel Chinn
Baruch Perl
Glenn (Gershon) Shalom-
Uriel Barak
Asaf Ben-Zeev
Assaf Benmelech
Michal Markovitz Blachar
Ofer Dolinsky
Dafna Achiam Tal
Alon Karniel
Uri Nesher
Amit Hirsch
Tel Aviv:
4 Berkowitz St., 6423806
38 Keren Hayesod St., 9214915
972-2-6513133 Sheva:
77 Energy St. 8470912