Business Services
Law Firms - Planning & Construction
Harari Toister & Co. Law Office
Esta b l i s h e d
L i n e o f B u s i n ess
Planning and Building, Municipal Law, Real Estate,
Tenders and Class Actions
ot h e r pa rt n e r s
Adv. Limor Spachek
Adv. Tamar Igra
Adv. Ronit Ovadia
Batia Braf
Adv. *
Ilana Braaf-Snir
Adv. *
arari Toister & Co. Law Office is one of
Israel’s most outstanding firms in ad-
ministrative - public law, planning and
building, local authorities law, andmunicipal tax.
The firm, which was founded 80 years ago by the
late MK Yizhar Harari, enjoys a major reputation
for the knowledge and expertise gained over the
years, and for its quality legal work, which is well
informed on the latest developments, professional
integrity, and personal attention to clients provid-
ed by the firm’s team of lawyers and partners.
Harari Toister & Co. represents leading clients in
the public and business sectors including gov-
ernment companies, local authorities, and plan-
ning institutions. The firm also represents private
clients and developers in all the firm’s areas of
involvement including: urban renewal – TAMA 38,
preservation, planning and building as well as
criminal aspects of planning and building law,
real estate, tenders, contracts, class actions, and
The firm’s many years of experience, large-scale
activities and professional thoroughness of its
legal work positions the firm as a well reputed
expert in all its areas of endeavor, and creates
unique added value for the firm’s clients to enjoy.
The firm also places emphasis on keeping up-to-
date and developing professional knowledgr in
its areas of expertise and as well as its day-to-day
legal activities, it publishes the Psikarata news-
paper, which is distributed to local authorities,
local committees, law firms, interested parties and
clients. Psikarta features the latest news focusing
on relevant planning and building rulings and leg-
islation, local authority and administrative law.
Practice Areas
Planning and Building and Expropriations
Over the years, the firm has gained major experi-
ence in representation and consultancy to large
local planning committees throughout Israel, and
representing clients working with planning bodies
in the following fields:
Master plans, legal support in preparation stages
through to approval of plans in the planning insti-
tutions in-cluding representation before appeals
committees, national councils and courts; building
permits, representing the client in all stages of
procedures before the various committees from lo-
cal committees and appeal committees to courts;
building offenses; legal consultancy and repre-
senting those accused of violating the planning
and building law: representation in indictments,
demolition orders and repairing buildings: TAMA
38, legal consultancy for tenants, developers and
local committees from the first contacts between
developers and tenants, to all stages of planning
and construction; betterment levies, legal support
and representation in procedures for setting lev-
ies, and appeals procedures; suits under Clause
197 of the Planning and Building Law, represent-
ing prosecutors and defendants in compensation
suits; expropriation laws, representing all sides
involved in expropriation proceedings and the
concept of ownership and cancelling expropria-
tion and setting compensation; preservation.
The firm has major experience and extensive pro-
fessional knowledge in the field, and specializes
in representing clients before all planning and
legal forums and courts.
Municipal Tax: Municipal Law and Tax, Develop-
ment Fees and Levies
The firm has rich knowledge and experience in
consulting local authorities in all their areas of
responsibility. The firm also specializes in pre-
paring tax orders and Bylaws and supporting cli-
ents on the following topics: municipal tax and
development levies, including representation
in objections and appeals. In addition, the firm
has rich experience in preparing petition to the
Interior Ministry for implementing changes in tax
orders, adjusting it to the authority’s needs, and
consulting to the authority’s instruction commit-
tees . The firm specializes in development levy
obligations according to municipal bylaws and
litigation related to it.
Class Actions
The firm has rich experience in representing lo-
cal authorities in class actions filed against them
including legal consultancy and support on in-
solvency notifications, approving compromises,
withdrawal notifications, etc. The firm also rep-
resents private clients in filing class actions and
representing plaintiffs.
Tenders and Contracts
The firmprepares tenders inmany areas including:
building infrastructures and/or providing various
types of services such as selling lands; construct-
ing public buildings; developing land and public
spaces; developing and laying infrastructures, etc.
The firm’s staff supports work of tenders commit-
tees, prepare legal reviews on tenders and rep-
resent the firm’s clients in all legal proceedings
conducted on tenders matters. The firm also
handles drafting contracts in various areas includ-
ing contracts for accepting services, contracts for
procuring goods, and work agreements.
Real Estate & Urban Renewal
The firm specializes in a wide range of areas
related to procedure for conducting real estate
transactions including: sale contracts; develop-
ment; combination deals, leasing and renting;
exchanging land; partnerships and liquidating of
partnerships; representation before the Tax Au-
thority; registering joint homes; registering plans
including re-parcelization, expropriations, etc. The
firm also specializes in representing developers
and apartment owners in urban renewal projects
on the clear and build and TAMA 38 authoriza-
tion tracks.
Administrative Law
The firmprovides legal advice and representation
in courts on a range of subjects in administrative
law including: bylaws, freedom of information,
education, tax and development levies, contracts
involving the authorities, etc.
Licensing Businesses
The firm has a department handling the criminal
aspects of registering businesses.
Labor Law – Manpower and Welfare
The firm represents clients on subject related to
labor law matters including details committees,
labor courts, collective agreements, etc.
B.S.R. House 1, 2 Ben Gurion St.,
Ramat Gan 52573
972-3-7553801* See Top Executives Profiles - Page 582