Electricity, Infrastructure
& Energy
Petroleum & Infrastructure Companies
Paz Oil Company Ltd.
az Group is Israel’s largest and leading
energy and retail company and a unique
player in the Israeli economy. The Group
has a varied activity range from owning an up-
graded refinery and private power cogeneration
plants, to retail gas stations and convenience
stores, wholesale fuel marketing, LPG and jet
fuel, to oils and sealants. Activities throughout
the supply chain have synergetic value and create
significant advantages for the Group, allowing it
to lead in all areas of its operations.
Paz is the only Israeli energy group to own a re-
finery and a leading chain of 272 gas stations.
“Paz” has a strong and leading brand preferred
by consumers thanks to its chain of 236 conve-
nience stores, “Yellow”, which serve thousands
of customers daily, and provides a range of road-
side services and subsidiaries, each leading in
its field (Pazgas, Paz Oils, Pazkar, Paz Aviation
Services, Paz Aviation Assets).
Paz was founded in 1922 and became a Shell
subsidiary in 1927. Since 1999 Paz has been
controlled by Bino Holdings Ltd., owned by Zadik
Bino with Dolphin Energy and Instanz Holdings
(Lieberman Group).
In Nov 2006, Paz held one of the largest share and
bond IPO’s known by the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange
and is one of the leading companies in the Israeli
economy. Paz is traded on the TA-25 index. Its
credit rating according to S&P is Stable/-ilAA-.
Group Structure
The company operates three business divisions:
Retail andWholesale; Refining and Logistics; and
Industries and Services. The divisional structure
has the expertise to meet customer needs, en-
hance competitiveness and product quality to
continue growth. Paz also emphasizes long-term
planning and investment to uphold values of ex-
cellence and leadership.
Retail & Wholesale Division
Paz owns Israel’s largest gas stations chain with
272 gas stations, dozens of retail areas through-
out the country and hundreds of Yellow conve-
nience stores located in gas stations. The chains
offer advanced services and a broad range of
products that are the Division’s engine of growth
together with retail complexes that increases
traffic to gas stations and Yellow stores and bring
in extra revenue. The Division’s activities include
wholesale fuel marketing to large customers and
marketing fuel to vehicle fleets through Pazomat,
Israel’s largest electronic fuelling company.
Paz’s broad customer base includes industrial,
institutional, aviation and governmental compa-
nies and organizations. Paz owns a portfolio of
quality assets allowing optimal implementation
and maintaining long-term leadership.
Refining & Logistics Division
The division manages the Group’s oil refinery, im-
port of crude oil and products, manufacturing oil
derivatives and producing electricity and steam
for its own use and electricity for sale. The division
coordinates the Group’s logistic activities including
storing fuels, production, streaming, transport and
procurement services. The oil refinery operates to
the strictest environmental and safety standards,
strives for high product quality, and invests hun-
dreds of millions of dollars in improving capabili-
ties and content. In 2013, after investing NIS 1.5
billion, and completing installation of the newproj-
ects, the refinery was upgraded so that refining
capacity increased up to 5.4million tons annually,
improving and diversifying product composition,
operating flexibility and energy consumption.
The company produces 109 MWper hour through
two cogeneration plants on the refinery complex.
The geographic advantage of proximity to consum-
ers, accessibility to infrastructures, the fact that
Paz is the anchor customer of the oil refinery, the
range of income sources and electricity sales, the
range of customers and salesmarkets put together,
allow the creation of refiningmargins with positive
premiums above benchmark refining margins.
Industries & Services Division
The division incorporates a number of leading
subsidiaries in their fields each specializing in
developing, producing andmarketing oil residual
products and alternative energy.
Pazgas –
Israel’s largest supplier of LPG (cooking
gas) for household and industrial use.
Paz Lubricants&Chemicals –
manufactures, im-
ports andmarkets lubricant and solvent products
for the domestic and export markets.
Pazkar –
develops, produces and markets
advanced sealing and insulation solutions:
waterproofing membranes (bitumen), coatings,
sealants and adhesives, for infrastructure and
building companies in domestic and interna-
tional markets.
Paz Aviation Services and Assets –
provides jet
and aviation fuel and storage and fuelling ser-
vices to local and international airfields.
Environmental and Social Responsibility
Along with leadership and initiative in the busi-
ness sector, the Paz Group is committed to social
and environmental responsibility. Paz has been
awarded a “Gold” rating for Social Responsibility
in the Ma’ala Index over the past three years. In
line with this outlook, Paz implements operation
in the environmental sector in cooperation with
theMinistry of Environmental Protection including
soil surveys, and rehabilitation work, as required.
Since acquiring Oil Refineries, Paz hasmademany
investments in improving the environment includ-
ing building a biological sulfur reclamation and
wastewater treatment facilities and building cogen-
eration plants to produce electricity from natural
gas. Paz views integrating business activities with
environmental responsibility as a strategic goal.
Esta b l i s h e d
L i n e o f B u s i n ess
Energy and Retail
Euro Park, Holland Building,
Kibbutz Yakum 6097200
dvoritf@paz.co.il www.paz.co.ilYona Fogel
Zadik Bino
Chairman of the Board
* See Top Executives Profiles - Page 582